Extra 400 Serie

General information about the Extra 400 series

The Extra 400 is a German travel and business plane. The single-engine machine was designed and marketed by the manufacturer Extra Aircraft. On April 23, 1996, this was released for the first time in the air. The market entry followed just two years later, in 1998. The Extra 400 represents the harbinger of the Extra 500, which is a propeller turbine version. The production was discontinued with regard to the following model. The Extra 400 is a high-wing aircraft whose tail unit is T-shaped. It also benefits from a hydraulic pull-in, a glass cockpit and a pressurized cabin. This allows flying without mask even at high altitudes. Furthermore, the hull is made of composite materials. The shelf life is around 25 years.

Technical data for the Extra 400 series

The aircraft accommodates a pilot and a maximum of five passengers. The hull extends over a length of 9.93 meters, the span reaches 11.50 meters. The machine has a height of 3.09 meters and the wing area is 14.25 square meters. The cabin has the following dimensions:
- Length: 4.12 meters
- Width: 1.39 meters
- Height: 1.24 meters
The Extra 400 series has a empty weight of 1,206 kilograms, and a maximum star weight of 1,950 kilograms. The cruising speed is around 348 kilometers per hour and the top speed is 406 kilometers per hour. The maximal service ceiling is at about 7,500 meters altitude. The tank has a range of 1,700 kilometers for six people and a range of 2,600 kilometers for four people. To start, a distance of 670 meters is needed and for landing a distance of 550 meters. The Extra 400 is powered by a liquid-cooled six-cylinder boxer engine of the type Teledyne Continental TSIOL-550-C with 261 kilowatts of power.

Products and Services for the Extra 400 Series

Should your machine have been damaged by an unexpected gust during landing or carelessness when maneuvering, we are ready for any repairs. We are happy to advise you in your concerns. It goes without saying that you receive the best possible service from us. Therefore, we are ready for you around the clock. All services are available from a single source. Of course, we gladly perform maintenance or repairs on your Extra 400 series. We also offer weighings, test flights, hourly checks and much more. We are also happy to accommodate your individual wishes. Talk to us, we look forward to seeing you!


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Air Plus Maintenance GmbH • Flughafen 28
D-88046 Friedrichshafen-Flughafen • Germany